My Time by His Side

by Tom Mueller

Add to the list of timeless ends
A weekend passed with family and friends

This one, too, stole by so fast
But memories remain 
As the shadows they pass

A Friday night, alone with the Boy
A casual meal
Of Kung Pao and soy

The day's climax
An epic test
The permit exam
At the state DPS

He won the day 
A permit is his
My hair grows gray
As boundaries shift

Time favors him
So strong he grows
Mountains he climbs
Yet little he knows

His appetite strong
His laughter divine
He bubbles with life
And right now he's mine

I peek in his soul
Triumphant it shines
Yet sorrow I feel
For pain's coming lines

Life is a school
A testing of I
Pain the instructor
His soul - will it cry?

I see the game
And hourglass, too
He must be prepared
We've so much to do!

The challenge is clear
Yet weakness, too
As time slips away
My shortfalls I rue!

Meaningful words
This magic I crave!
To strengthen his life
A bit every day

Scream does my soul
Guard him I must!
Fate laughs at my zeal
And turns me to dust

Alas now I see
Firm are the rules
My weakness, his strength
Each part of the school

Love conquers all
Love is the guide
This I can offer
My time by his side

February 2008

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