December 26, 2023
The Way of the Man
by Tom Mueller What is is about the kids in our care That gives men a reason to want to be near They're loud and demanding and care not a wit But to play and to horse and to give us a fit! Yet something inside beckons me near A deep feeling I love - and yet somehow I fear It's emotion that draws me close to my boy To wrestle and play to his giggles of joy But it's deeper than that - this feeling that aches That wrenches my heart when I see my mistakes Mistakes of time lost or priorities taken That took me away and left them forsaken Or shortfalls more simple, like patience forgot Commitments I made and then turned about Or failing to honor the code of the man To be honest and forthright - and lend up a hand To be an example, a friend, and a teacher To catch and to hit or to watch from a bleacher The Master again to each father gives charter To watch over them - and to grow from the barter To grow is our challenge, while learning to live We want to be taking, but know we must give For how else can we grow these charges we're given? To keep them alive - and headed for heaven? Their mother, I think, is more easy with this She just seems to know how important it is I, too, understand it, but it's harder to say Words that would show it day after day The language that's spoken - it's not of the code That keeps men in silence, even as they grow old The women I know understand nothing of this! The ways of the man seem lazy, remiss Until he's engaged in a test of brute skill Tumbling and wrestling till energy's nil With children he found in front of the box He pounced and he tickled then ran like a fox The children pursued, their energy growing Tearing around, finding balls, and then throwing Them at their dear father who responds back in kind Zinging the balls into legs, arms - behinds! The energy lasts until Mom intervenes Chastizing us all for creating such scenes! Ball wars! Inside? Why where is your sense? Tearing around and making a mess! Eyebrows are raised, we know we are busted As her voice echos on, rightly disgusted We give Mom her due and make our amends Clean up the floor, acknowledge our sins Gently we place the balls back in their bins Ready for when the next ball war begins... October 2001 This poem was written when our kids were ages 5 and 9, very fun years.