Category: International features

India, get a room!

It is monsoon season in India as I exit the airport terminal building for a 7-day visit. I’ve just arrived in Mumbai and I’m getting a good feel for what monsoon season feels like. It’s wet. I guess that goes without saying, but I never realized how wet it can be until spending a week

Dragging Main – Mumbai and Middle East style

By Tom Mueller It seems that every town has at least one place where young couples go to get away from family and daily pressures so they can just enjoy each other’s company. In many communities, it’s a back road, park or other public area. I’ve experienced this first-hand in America, and witnessed it in

International travel and the battle for accurate time

By Tom Mueller Remember that old Chinese proverb about a man with one watch knowing what time it is; a man with two watches never does? Traveling across multiple time zones sometimes makes me feel I’m living that proverb – especially since I stopped wearing a wristwatch in favor of modern electronics – Fitbits, iphones and

Capri Island: playground of the rich and famous

This is the kind of place that could make you fall in love with the Mediterranean – the famous Capri Island.  Never heard of Capri? Well, neither had I until we went there – about an hour boat ride from Naples, Italy. We went early – on an 8:35 a.m. jet-boat ferry – and ran smack

Baku 20 years later – a photo essay

By Tom Mueller I returned to Azerbaijan recently after a bit more than 20 years away, and was excited to see how the country had changed as its fledgling oil industry has matured. I spent many weeks in Baku, the capital city, in 1993-95 as part of the energy industry’s entry to Azerbaijan following the

Waving off cultural differences in Australia and New Zealand

AUCKLAND, New Zealand – I came out of the turn and twisted the throttle open, feeling the big 1300 cc motor growl as the rpms came up and the horsepower spooled out to the wheels. I’m on a motorcycle and touring the New Zealand countryside. I feel good. I’m cracking down a two lane blacktop

Driving away the tears in India

Five days in India recently left me with many stories to share. The most touching interaction came about with my driver for the week. His name is Raj. He is 30 years old, he has a three-year-old daughter, and he is very sad. His wife of 10 years died three months ago, leaving him to