Five days in India recently left me with many stories to share. The most touching interaction came about with my driver for the week. His name is Raj. He is 30 years old, he has a three-year-old daughter, and he is very sad. His wife of 10 years died three months ago, leaving him to
By Tom Mueller Mike Newman is an entrepreneur on a mission these days. Known by a growing number of Texans as the man who built his own castle in the Texas countryside, he’s now diligently building a business around the castle and attracting thousands of visitors a year to the small town of Bellville. And
‘The acceleration is amazing!’ By Tom Mueller If you ask 8-year-old Marcus Rodriguez what he likes most about racing karts at speeds up to 60 mph around a track in northwest Katy, you get an unexpected response. “I like driving in the rain,” he says. “It’s fun.” Kart racing in the rain? Well, this isn’t
Tania Weber recounted those words to me recently at an IDPA shooting competition when I asked what got her into competitive shooting. A petite and intense 36-year-old mother of two, she had joined the competition to help hone her gun-handling skills and to get in some practice with one of her handguns. Tania wasn’t always